Over the festive period, spending quality time with loved ones is very much the spirit of the Christmas season, and with our dogs being so close to our heart, it’s important their needs and happiness are taken into consideration, as we busy ourselves with preparations and fun. 

With an ‘always-on’ approach to considering canine comfort and happiness, Christine Chau, co-founder of dog bedding experts of more than 14 years Charley Chau, here shares her tips to keep your dog safe and help them feel happy, loved and content over the holiday season: 

  • Watch out for toxic food and drink. Our festive indulgences can be extremely harmful, even fatal for dogs, so it’s important to know the offenders and ensure your pup has no access to them: 
  • Harmful or poisonous substances to dogs include chocolate and common ingredients in Christmas sweet treats (mince pies, Xmas pud and panettone) such as macadamia nuts, raisins, and grapes. 
  • Ingesting alcohol, caffeine, blue cheese, onion, garlic, or turkey bones may also require an emergency trip to the vet. 
  • Dangerous decorations. You don’t need to be a Christmas grinch, but there are ways to pet-proof your festive interiors: 
  • If you prefer a real tree over artificial, hoover up needles daily to avoid them ending up in your dog’s paws or worse, stomach. 
  • Ideally baubles should be shatterproof, but if you have any glass or delicate decorations, place them higher up the tree out of hound’s reach. 
  • If you have a particularly curious canine, keep excess fairy light cables closely bound and turn the lights off if your dog is left unattended to avoid electric shock or burns. 
  • Tinsel, ribbons, and garlands also need to be considered as, while not toxic, they can get stuck in a dog’s tummy – again requiring an emergency trip to the vet. 
  • Other items to be aware of around dogs include festive plants such as poinsettias, ivy, and mistletoe, which are mildly toxic to pets; batteries, and snow globes as some are made with anti-freeze. Should your dog ingest any of the above, consult your vet immediately for advice 
  • Operate a strict door policy! While your household knows your dog’s habits around doors, visiting guests may not. Be extra vigilant at the front door, which may stay open longer than usual while guests ferry in presents and festive food, as your dog might try to make a run for it. It’s also worth explaining to guests, which rooms your dog is allowed access to, and which ones are off limits. 

Pamper your pooch at St Michaels Resort

Help them chill 

With all their favourite people in constant supply, Christmas can be a happy time for dogs, but it can also be stressful. Their daily routine is disrupted and there’s more (noisy) humans around. While some dogs take it in their stride, others can find it too much. Dogs communicate stress in different ways, but common signs of an unhappy pooch include pacing, panting, trembling, excessive yawning, drooling, and licking. If your dog shows any of these signs, some ways to offer them a little TLC include: 

  • Extra playtime, exercise and mental stimulation before visitors arrive, as it will help to release nervous energy and tire them out, so they’re in a calmer state of mind when the fun starts. 
  • Try calming if extra exercise isn’t sufficient. Dorwest have an excellent and trusted range of natural Scullcap and Valerian supplements to support a dog’s with anxiety and stress. 
  • If your dog is home alone, leave soothing music such as classical sounds playing on the TV or radio to help them relax. 
  • Avoid crackers, as the loud snapping noise can be very stressful for canines. 
  • Should your dog get stressed, stay calm and act as normal as possible. Over-fussing can escalate the situation, potentially making it worse for your dog. 

Provide a calm retreat  

  • With giddy children and jovial adults, this excitable time can throw off a happy hound, so, it’s important that your dog has a safe retreat. 
  • A cosy, comfy dog bed is the perfect place to escape away from all the hustle and bustle. As luxury dog bedding specialists, we have a wide choice of seriously cosy and comfy dog beds in all shapes and sizes, for dogs of all shapes and sizes – from Crate Bedding, cocoon-like Ducky Donut Beds, to Snuggle Beds for burrowers and heaps more. And to make their bed extra den-like, adding a dog blanket is the perfect winter treat and retreat! 
  • If your dog likes to be in the same room with you, then create their own space by placing their bed in a corner or a sheltered spot, for example under a table, so they feel they have their own den. If they’d rather have more privacy, set them up in another room, but avoid shutting the door, as they could make them feel more stressed. 
